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    Transforming a Café Network for Emission Reduction


    Recognizing the need to reduce its environmental footprint while enhancing business efficiency, a café network faced the challenge of achieving these goals with limited resources and expertise. Seeking a solution, the company turned to Fewton, and the results of this collaboration exceeded expectations.


    In today’s hospitality landscape the café network is grappling with a pressing challenge:

    • Significant environmental impact on natural ecosystems.
    • Increasingly strict environmental regulations by governments.
    • Growing attention to environmental responsibility from both customers and consumers.
    • Industry transformation due to changing consumer preferences and concerns about sustainability.
    • Strengthening market access through compliance with environmental and sustainability standards.


    The café network implemented several measures to cut carbon emissions and enhance ecological efficiency with Fewton’s assistance:

    • Transitioning to a technological solution to replace a diesel generator for electricity generation: this action allowed to completely stop using stationary combustion, which, in turn, resulted in a full reduction of emissions in this category of Scope 1.
    • Replacing 1 van used for customer product deliveries with an electric vehicle: this step reduced own car fleet emissions by 37%.
    • The full transition of the farm to green electricity tariffs, powered entirely by 100% renewable energy, enabled a reduction in the Scope 2 emissions category.

    Additional measures included:

    • Installing energy-efficient dairy farm equipment, including specialized energy-saving milking equipment for cows.
    • Replacing an old boiler system with a newer, more energy-efficient system. 

    All the above measures to optimize energy consumption led to savings of over 60%. Funding for these projects was provided by the British government.

    • The company began engaging in animal care activities and adopted a conscientious approach to feeding. This involved procuring high-quality forages, balanced rations, and feed additives for cows. These measures are expected to substantially diminish the company’s environmental footprint in the future.
    • Implementing various measures for manure disposal, including the installation of a biogas plant to convert manure into electricity and heat for on-farm use. These measures will reduce carbon dioxide emissions from manure waste by a minimum of 50%. The project was funded with a grant from one of the British Rural Grants and Payments Programs. 


    Collectively, these measures resulted in a 43% reduction in carbon emissions. Fewton played a pivotal role in enabling the café network to transform its business and embrace environmental sustainability, aligning its operations with a greener future.

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    Chain Cafe
    Food service
    Chain of cafes in the UK, customer service.
    Reduced carbon emissions per year
    Increased return on investment

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